
Saturday, January 5, 2013

My fur babies' new blog...

Good morning all my blogging friends. 
     It is finally Saturday and even though I still got up early to get some things done before the M&M's friend came over I am very very happy to finally have a day off.  Yesterday was a very very LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG day and I can honestly say that all three of us were very happy for it to be over.  :O)
     I did just want to drop in today and let you all know that after much consideration that I have finally made up my mind to start yet another blog to share all of my pictures of our fur babies.  I used to be one of those people that would wonder why anyone would want to share pictures of their animals,  but since we first got Lucy we just can't seem to get enough of them, as I am sure you have all noticed.  lol...
     Anyway the decision comes so that I can keep my crafty posts for those of you that would really just prefer to see the cards and such and then if you do want to see the madness that makes up our family and cats you can check in there. 
     The only thing that I don't really like about it is that my original name for my  blog was already used and then my second one blogger would not let me use the - in the title.  So the new blog will be call PawpawRazzie.... It works.  lol  I hope you all like it. 
     Wishing you all a great Saturday and I will talk at you tomorrow and I am off to work on a couple of cards. 
Hugs,  Lisa G


Amanda R said...

Definitely will subscribe, I love seeing the kitty pictures!

Danni said...

Once you get it up and going I'll be there!

xxxtglxxx said...

Aww, adorable picture! :)



Lisa said...

Awe... I love those little kitties!!!